Textile Fibers 101

We bet you have heard  that natural fibers are better than synthetic fibers for your children's clothing a thousand times, but you don't know why. First of all, it is important to understand that both types of fibers are valuable in the textile and fashion industry, but when it comes to our children we want to give them the very best. Natural fibers are the best option and we are going to break this down for you below.

Natural fibers are made out of natural materials that come from plants, animals, or minerals. Fibers are spun to create yarns, which are then made into fabrics. The most popular ones are cotton, wool, linen and silk. Natural fibers are environmentally sustainable, biodegradable, absorbent, breathable and durable. Some natural fabrics such as linen and cotton are naturally hypoallergenic and have antibacterial qualities, which make them suitable for sensitive or allergy-prone skin.

In the other hand, we have synthetic fibers that are made of synthetic materials, such as coal, petroleum and synthetic polymers, usually formed through chemical processes. Synthetic fibers are cheap, mass-produced, can be stained and are water resistant. The most popular synthetic fabrics are polyester, rayon and nylon.

You can draw your own conclusions… Now, it is important to take into consideration that cotton which is the preferred natural fiber for being soft and durable, if it isn't organic, it has been sprayed with pesticides and other dangerous chemicals. The Textile Exchange Organization claims that organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides or fertilizers while chemical cotton is dependent on both. According to the Pesticide Action Network UK, “cotton crops cover 2.4% of the world’s cultivated land but use 6% of the world’s pesticides, more than any other single major crop.”

The problem is not only that our children's’ skin will come into contact with these dangerous chemicals, but also that when conventional cotton breaks down, all these pesticides and fertilizers go into our soil and waterways negatively impacting our environment. So we ask that you choose wisely and when possible buy organic cotton products.

Organic cotton is better for the planet, its kinder on your children's skin and allows farmers to have a good life quality since they get a better price for their crops. If you want to check out some of our brands made using organic cotton, check our blog post “LOVING ECO-FRIENDLY FASHION” or browse our website to find more.

We hope you now have a better understanding on the natural and synthetic fibers, concepts and why organic cotton will be always be the best option.

Source: https://textileexchange.org/quick-guide-to-organic-cotton/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6ezIk_Lh6gIVB7LICh2WQg5pEAAYASAAEgJpSPD_BwE