Tips on picking the right clothes for your child


Photo: Stella McCartney


Parenthood is a road full of challenges. It is an adventure with highs and lows and an incredible amount of love. Most parents wish their child came with an instruction manual, with information on what’s the best food, how to help them sleep through the night, how to encourage them to be themselves in a complicated world, how to dress themselves, etc. What if we told you that dressing your child doesn’t have to be one of the challenges of parenthood? Picking their clothes can be easy and fun.

So here are 5 things to keep in mind when picking your child’s clothes:

  1. A child needs to be a child, so the clothes they wear shouldn’t limit them. That’s why at Il Bambino Store, we look for clothes, accessories and footwear that allows them to explore and live fearlessly. It doesn't matter if they are at home, going to a birthday party, a movie theater, or a playdate at the park, they should always be able to enjoy themselves and feel like, well… KIDS.
  2. Childrenswear should always be comfortable and practical, it should be easy to get in and out of. Children should be able to play around without their clothes tearing. Childrenswear must rise to the occasion of the great adventure that is childhood.
  3. A child’s skin is the most delicate. It often times reacts to certain fabrics, so when choosing childrenswear it is very important to choose natural fibers such as 100% cotton. Not only is it lightweight, but it is also soft on their delicate skin. Natural fibers, not only are they gentle on their skin, they are also good for the environment since they are biodegradable, which takes us to our next point.
  4. When buying childrenswear it is important to support sustainable fashion. Childrenswear tends to be seen as disposable, but it doesn't have to be like that. If we invest in natural fibers and high-quality manufacturing, we will get clothes that can be passed on from sibling to siblings or to cousins or friends. They can also be donated to the needy, a great act of kindness. Today, the fashion industry is evolving, and designers and manufacturers have become more creative than ever using different kinds of recycled materials for their creations. At Il Bambino Store we support sustainability, carrying swimwear made in Italy of eco-friendly regenerated fabrics from fishnets, as wells as brands with products that are made of 100% certified organic cotton and prints that are hand printed to reduce the use of electricity and water.
  5. Children are constantly discovering who they are, what they like and what their style is. So their clothes must be a reflection of that self-discovery… it should be diverse, contemporary and fun.

At il Bambino Store we can't tell you how to survive parenthood, what we can actually do, is tell you that you don't need a manual, YOU ARE DOING AN AWESOME JOB and your child has the best parents. Now, if you need help dressing your child, you are in the right place, here at il Bambino Store, you will find only the best European brands with a contemporary concept, and exceptional quality.

We want to make purchasing the perfect outfit for your child as easy as possible.  That is why we have created our “Buy it with” feature. You can click on whatever item you like and when you scroll down you will see our “Buy it with” feature which we recommend a pairing for your preferred item. If you prefer more of a hands on virtual shopping session, contact us at hello@ilbambinostore. With the perfect outfit, your child will be able to be themselves and overcome their fears, ultimately conquering the world.